Exam Information

GCSE English Revision

Year 11 Maths Revision Info Sheet

16.01.23 – Year 11 Maths revision info sheet

Click on these videos to learn four effective revision techniques

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GCSE and A Level exam board information

Please click the links below to view a comprehensive list of exam board specifications.

GCSE Exam Boards

A Level Exam Boards

Health and nutrition are essential for effective revision and study

  • Exercise: 68% of boys and 41% of girls (13 to 15 year-olds) achieve the recommended 60 minutes per day
  • Fluids: The recommendation is to drink 6 to 8 glasses/day (1.2 litres) to prevent dehydration and headaches
  • Food: Eat a balanced and varied diet. Eat little and often and not after 11pm
  • Sleep: 85% of teens get less than the minimum requirement of 8½ hours of sleep
  • A problem shared: Do not suffer in silence, we have all been there
  • Stress/anxiety: Speak up, we have lots of strategies we can recommend
  • Work/life balance: Be realistic and always leave time for yourself, be kind to yourself, this period of time will come to an end eventually